Setting up the Scene
This page will help you get started with Tesseract Holoboard!
Importing the SDK
Download the latest version of Unity. During the install, make sure that you have Android and/or iOS Build Support selected depending on your target platform.
Download the latest version of Holoboard Basic Edition SDK
Open Unity3D on your development machine and create a new project.
Navigate to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package as shown below.
Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the SDK and select BasicSDKvxxx.unitypackage where xxx is the version number.
Wait for the Unity Asset Importer to complete.
Once the Import Unity Package dialog opens up, Select All and then Import as shown below.
- You will notice a new folder is created with the name BasicSDK under the Assets folder in your project. This is where all the files and resources from the SDK are extracted.
Setting up the Scene
In this section, we will setup a "Hello World" scene using the Holoboard SDK.
You can also use the Example Scene provided with the SDK as a starting point for your first application. To do so, open the BasicExample Scene from Assets -> BasicSDK -> Example -> BasicExample -> Scene -> BasicExample.
If you are creating a new scene, ensure that no Camera component is present in the scene. Remove the Main Camera (if any) from your scene.
Drag the following prefabs from Assets -> BasicSDK -> Core -> Prefabs -> Core into your scene:
- ARCamera - Basic
- IPDCalibration
- Reticle
Setup your scene by adding Game Objects and UI elements as required.
- For this example, let's add a Cube into the scene.
- Go to GameObject menu, then 3D Object->Cube.
- Let's set its position to (5,0,0).
The Hello World AR Scene is ready. You can follow the instructions provided in the Publishing section to build your first application to your Target Device.
Once you run the application on Holoboard, you will notice the Cube floating somewhere around you. (You might have to look around in order to find it!).