ARCamera - Basic Prefab
This is a brief introduction to the ARCamera - Basic prefab and how it can be configured to suit your specific needs.
This prefab is responsible for all the core SDK functionalities, such as distortion-free stereo rendering, head tracking, Third party SDK integrations, etc.
A singleton reference to the underlying ARCamera script can be obtained at runtime anywhere after the Awake() function by calling ARCamera.Instance and caching the return value.
More detailed documentation of the ARCamera script can be found here
How To Use
Simply drag and drop this component in a scene and make sure no other cameras are present in the scene.
- Developer API Key: Enter the Developer API Key corresponding to your application from the Holoboard Developer Control Panel.
- Use Third Party SDK: Coming Soon
- Recenter: Drag and drop the transform here where you want the user's head to look at when you recenter.
- You can recenter the scene at any point by calling ARCamera.Instance.Recenter() and it will recenter to the transform set here.
- Use Head Tracking: Enables head tracking and pose update. Disabling it will make the camera stationary.
- Use Custom Stereo Camera Setup: The ARCamera script automatically creates and configures stereo camera pair at runtime. However, in case you want to use your own custom stereo camera setup, you can enable this option by clicking on the drop down and drag and drop your Left and Right Cameras.
- Eye Separation (m): This is the default IPD (Inter Pupillary Distance) for stereo rendering.
IPD is defined as Inter-Pupillary Distance, which in basic terms means the distance between your two eyes. Ideally, this distance should exactly match the user’s actual IPD for the best stereo experience. However, a rough estimate is good to begin with. This can be later calibrated using the IPDCalibration function